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Synfig Studio beginner tutorial, In this tutorial i going to show you the basics of animation in synfig studio, first we start setting our canvas, we set the.

Rendering to Video. Rendering to video directly from Synfig under Windows Operating Systems presents some challenges. If you want to render to anything other than.mpg with 'ffmpeg', you'll want to save a series of images that represent your animation, to a still format that ffmpeg can read.I recommend 'png'.Whilst you can render to any size image, if you're going to show your video on Youtube. Content of this Synfig Studio Documentation Wiki is available under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license. By contributing here you agree that the same license will be applied to your writing. If you do not want your writing to be edited mercilessly and redistributed at will, then do not submit it to this wiki.

  • 2Parameters of Time Loop Layers
  • 3How to use the Time Loop Layer ?

About Time Loop Layers

The 'Time Loop layer' is used to repeat an animation over and over. It loops a section of the layers below and within the same canvas over and over.

See also the Time Loop ValueNode conversion, which can be used to loop the value of a single parameter, rather than an entire layer or group of layers.

Parameters of Time Loop Layers

These parameters, to prevent undesired modification, by default are statics.

The parameters of the time loop layers are:


Link Time (time)

Start time of cycled material/child layers.

Local Time (time)

Start time of loop.

Duration (time)

Number of seconds or frames that are looped in the child layer.

Only For Positive Duration (bool)

  • If checked and 'Duration' is zero or negative, then the time loop layer is effectively disabled, and acts as if it wasn't there.
  • If not checked and the Duration is zero, the Time Loop layer freezes the animation of the children layers at the value of 'Link Time'.

Symmetrical (bool)

If not checked, and the current time is less than 'Local Time', then 'Duration' is taken off the resulting time. This is to provide compatibility with version 0.1 of the time loop layer.

How to use the Time Loop Layer ?

The 'Time Loop layer' repeatedly loops through the 'Duration' seconds of its child layers, from 'Link Time' to 'Link Time' + 'Duration'.

'Local Time' is used to line up the offset of the time looping.

When the Time Loop layer is asked to set its time to 'Local Time', it sets the time in its child layers to be 'Link Time', ie. the start of the loop.

Breaking loop

  1. Be Sure you are not in Animation Mode
  2. In the layer's parameters of the time loop, you need to remove the 'green guy' (), indicating that the parameter is 'Static', from Duration Parameter. Just right-click on him and set 'Allow animation'. See Static Parameters for more informations.
  3. On the timeline navigate to a place where you want to break the animation. And now enter the Animation Mode.
  4. In the time loop parameters, set 'Duration' to 'EOT' (End-of-Time).
  5. Now you have three waypoints. One before the current, we left it as it is. One is current, we convert it to the 'constant' (right-click on it -> Both -> Constant). And one after current, this one have to be removed (right-click on it -> Remove).
  6. Now test it. Pay attention, that loop will always break at the very first frame of you animation, so you need to break it in the right place.

Detailed explanation

'Green guy' () - Static Parameters - is a guard that says 'You shall not pass!' to the animation. So when you attempt to change such parameter in animation mode it just changes the usual way. It's done to prevent unnecessary parameters to be animated, e.g. Blend Method. Action actina sierra w7hp driver.

Setting 'Duration' to 'EOT'. If you set it to 0f, then the whole animation will stop, because you try to play it from 0f ('local time') to 0f ('Duration'). And EOT means it'll continue to play your animation to the end of the time..

Removing waypoint after current one. If you skip this step, then at the next waypoint 'Duration' parameter will be restored to the value before current waypoint. It's a standard Synfig's behavior, but there's a magical button somewhere that can change it.

Converting current waypoint to the constant. Without it, 'Duration' will be smoothly interpolated from value you set to the EOT and the constant type will just set immediately at the waypoint. Interpolation can be a bit confusing sometimes, so you better read this about waypoints.

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Visualized Example

For example, suppose:

  • Link Time is 5s
  • Duration is 3s
  • Local Time' is 4s

Clockworkmod driver download. And suppose that the Time Loop layer is applied over an existing animation. The 'Link Time' and 'Duration' specify that the section from 5s to 8s in the children layers will be looped. The 'Local Time' specifies that this loop will be at the beginning at 4s. (And so also therefore at 1s, 7s, 10s, etc).

This is how the mapping actually works:

real timechild time
(symmetrical = true)
child time
(symmetrical = false)
0 7 4
1 5 2
2 6 3
3 7 4
4 5 5 (local time = 4; link time = 5)
5 6 6
6 7 7
7 5 5 (duration = 3, so loop repeats after 3 seconds)
8 6 6
9 7 7
10 5 5

Specifying a huge number for the Duration parameter effectively turns the Time Loop layer into a Time Shift layer. The Link Time and Local Time parameters controls which time in the children lines up with which time in the Time Loop layer, giving the amount of the timeshift, with both positive and negative differences working as expected.

Contrived Example

Download and examine this example file: Time-loop-demo-0.2.sifz

It's a 10 second animation, and shows 2 circles. The top one moves linearly from the left to the right. Its position is marked by static text digits 0 through 10.

The other circle is an identical copy of the first one, with the same waypoints, but it's inside an Group layer. The parameters are:

  • Link Time: 5s
  • Duration: 1.5s
  • Local Time: 2s
  • Symmetrical: true

So as time=2s, the top circle is at position 2 (local time) and the bottom circle is at position 5 (link time):

The loop is 1.5s long, so the bottom circle is also at position 5 every 1.5 seconds before and after this point in time, for example at t=3.5s and at t=8s:

The following two images show the positions at t=0s and t=3s. The loop starts at t=2s, so it's also at the start at t=0.5s. So at t=0s it's half a second before finishing the previous loop. And at t=3s the same is true, but 2 loops later on:

There's a rendered copy of this example on YouTube, and it's also available for download: Time-loop-demo-0.2.avi‎. Gin rummy online free.

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  • 5Notes

Intro to render

Rendering an animation in Synfig can be done in two way, by the Command Line Interface (CLI) or through the Render Dialog


Here are the file Target that can be rendered

  • 'bmp' - Bitmap
  • 'cairopng' - portable Network graphics - images with lossless compression rendered by cairo library
  • 'dv' - digital video
  • 'ffmpeg' - render video files with ffmpeg - several codec profiles are provided and you can choose the video bitrate.
    • 'Flash video FLV / Sorenson Spark / Sorenson H.263'
    • 'H.263+ / H.263 version 2'
    • 'Huffyuv / HuffYUV' - lossless video codec
    • 'Libtheora' - Free lossy video compression format. See also Theora at wikipedia.
    • 'H.264 / AVC / MPEG4-AVC'
    • 'H.264 / AVC / MPEG4-AVC (lossless)' - The resulting file is compatible with Sony Vegas and other software based on QuickTime AVC decoders.
    • 'MJPEG (Motion Jpeg)' - Each video frame or interlaced field of a digital video sequence is compressed separately as a JPEG image. See also Motion JPEG at wikipedia.
  • 'gif' - graphic interchange format
  • 'imagemagick' - image manipulation program
  • 'jpeg' - Joint Photographic Expert Group - still format suited to photographs
  • 'magick++' - TODO writeme
  • 'null' - Dummy file for rendering engine testing?
  • 'null-tile' - Dummy file for rendering engine testing?
  • 'png' - portable Network graphics - still images with lossless compression
  • 'png-spritesheet' - portable Network graphics - collection of poses in a unique image, can be arranged horizontally or vertically.
  • 'ppm' - portable pixmap - still image using very basic format
  • 'yuv420p' - Still image format designed to preserve the images luminance


Target type Extension Helper app

Linux support

Windows support

Mac OSX support

  • .bmp->bmp
  • .dv->dv_trgt
  • .mpg->ffmpeg_trg
  • .gif->gif
  • .miff->imagemagick_trgt
  • .jpg->jpeg_trgt
  • .avi->Target_LibAVCodec
  • .mng->mng_trgt
  • .exr->exr_trgt
  • .png->png_trgt
  • .ppm->ppm
  • .yuv->yuv
Determined by extension
  • .bmp->bmp OK (but text layers upside down) 5
  • .dv->dv OK
  • .mpg->mpg OK
  • .gif->gif OK
  • .miff->OK (only last frame?)
  • .jpg->jpg OK
  • .avi->crash 1
  • .mng-> not render 3
  • .exr->exr OK
  • .png->png OK
  • .ppm->ppm OK
  • .yuv->yuv OK? 2
  • .bmp-ok (text layer correct in 983)
  • .dv- n/a
  • .mpg-crash synfig
  • .gif-ok, (imagemagick)animated gif crashes (983)
  • .miff-single frame ok, animated crash synfig (983)
  • .jpg-ok
  • .avi- n/a
  • .mng- n/a
  • .exr-ok
  • .png-ok
  • .ppm-ok
  • yuv-ok 2
  • .bmp-ok, but text layers upside down 5
  • .dv-crash synfig
  • .mpg-crash synfig
  • .gif-ok, also animated gif
  • .miff-crash synfig
  • .jpg-ok
  • .avi-crash synfig
  • .mng-'unable to create target for..
  • .mov-'unable to create target for..
  • .exr-'unable to create target for..
  • .png-ok
  • .ppm-ok
  • yuv-render a file in unknown format
bmp bmp Native Yes (but text layers upside down) 5 Yes (Text layers correct in 983) ok, but text layers upside down 5
dv dv encodedv Yes N/A - encodedv not supported under Windows Yes
ffmpeg mpg ffmpeg

It renders .mpg .avi, .mov and .flv

Yes Yes
gif gif native

yes (animated gifs also)

yes (animated gifs also)


imagemagick miff imagemagick Yes Yes Yes
magick++ gif native Yes (animated gifs, optimized) Yes Yes
jpeg jpg native Yes Yes Yes
libavavilibavcodec Yes N/A - libav support not compiled into the Windows version.?
null n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
null-tile n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
open-exr exr native Yes Yes Yes
png png native*.mpg-> Yes Yes Yes
png-spritesheet png Yes Yes Yes
ppm ppm native Yes Yes Yes
yuv420p yuv native Yes (.avi) Yes (.avi) Yes (.avi)

Rendering to Video

Rendering to video directly from Synfig under Windows Operating Systems presents some challenges.

If you want to render to anything other than .mpg with 'ffmpeg', you'll want to save a series of images that represent your animation, to a still format that ffmpeg can read. I recommend 'png'. Whilst you can render to any size image, if you're going to show your video on Youtube*.mpg->, you may want to take that into account when you render.

If you set up your render like

'Image Size'

  • Width 320 Xres 72.0 Physical width 4.44
  • Height 240 Yres 72.0 Physical Height 3.33
  • Image span 10.0000

'Image Area'

  • Top left X : -4 Y : 3
  • Bottom right X : 4 Y : -3

You will get a series of .png files in your output directory. Open a command prompt, cd to that directory, then use ffmpeg to assemble these png files into the video stream of your choice. for example -

C:output>ffmpeg -r 15 -i rfrac%04d.png -f flv fractal.flv

creates a Flash video file of with the same framerate as used on Youtube. You should be able to submit it to Youtube without the need for the Youtube servers to have to re-compress it.


note 1 - wtf is yuv?

The yuv file is rendered but it seems to have a not compatible format. See the console output when try to convert to a avi using ffmepg.

ffmpeg -i RenderTest.yuv -sameq RenderTest.aviFFmpeg version SVN-rUNKNOWN, Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Fabrice Bellard

I can watch a .yuv animation. You need to specify the size it was rendered at - that doesn't seem to be part of the file format:

I can single-step through a .yuv animation, using SPACE to step forward and BACKSPACE to step back through the frames:

I can also convert a .yuv to a series of .png files. This makes file-0.png through file-23.png for a 24 frame animation:

I also discovered that ffmpeg will happily convert a .yuv to .avi if you just tell it the image dimensions:

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svn r980 adds headers to created .yuv files, so you no longer need to specify the size when using them. -- dooglus 21:50, 25 October 2007 (EDT)

Mmmm I can play yuv files with mplayer and with ffplay. Also I can convert a yuv file to an avi (or whatever ffmpeg can encode) without telling the video size. I think it depends on how ffmpeg was compiled. Genete 11:59, 4 June 2008 (EDT)

note 2 - how to render for TV formats

If you need to render stills (pngs) for something where the final format does not have square pixels, such as PAL or NTSC DV, you can use the approach outlined below.

0) Select png format as you would otherwise

1) Use square pixel when you edit it in synfig (1024x576 for PAL 16:9 and 768x576 for PAL 4:3. (Pixelgeek calculates this to be 958x540 for anamorphic and 720x540 for SD NTSC)

2) Just before rendering, in canvas property->Other->Locks and links, set checkboxes for Image Aspect and Image Span, and uncheck Pixel Aspect (Depending on synfig version, this may possibly be the options dialog for File|Render, at least it is for me)

3) Change back to the Image settings

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4) Change resolution to 720x576 for PAL, 720*480 for NTSC

5) Render

That should produce stills with the right 'pixel aspect'. When viewed on the PC using square pixels, a circle will appear as an oval. When viewed on a TV with the right pixelaspect, the circle will become a circle.

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